Adopt a Tree Program

Adopt a Tree - 2022

The Borough of Oakland Shade Tree Commission invites residents to apply to have a free street tree planted along the public right-of-way on their property.  The program is designed to improve the streetscape of our community through the planting of trees around the Borough. 

Trees are generally planted in the Spring. If the Commission receives more requests than it has trees to plant, your request will go on a waiting list for the next tree planting. The cost of tree-planting is paid by the Borough, and the resident’s only responsibility would be to help the young tree with watering for its first years. To request the planting of a new tree in the Borough right-of-way in front of your home email: or call the Oakland Department of Public Works and let us know your street address.

A member of the Shade Tree Commission will visit your address and determine the proper tree species for your location. Locations without overhead wires will receive a Shade Tree that may exceed a height of 50-60 feet.  The number of trees planted each spring will depend upon funds available to the Shade Tree Commission at that time. When we get closer to the planting date the Shade Tree Commission will email and inform you of the approximate planting date. The Commission will also order a utility mark out (no-charge). Trees will be +- 2-2.5” Caliper at time of planting (Shade Trees 10-12 Feet).