Mayor's Message - September 2022

Mayor Linda H. Schwager
Mayor Linda H. Schwager

Our Oakland residents are well known for helping people in need. At this time,  one of our residents needs help. His name is Paul Gourhan

Paul Gourhan, needs a kidney.  He is on the list for a new kidney.  His best option is a live donor and until then, Paul is on dialysis.  If you can help or know someone who can help, contact Paul at   

As part of the Affordable Housing Settlement, the  Borough of Oakland has an obligation to implement a rehab housing program.  We have created the Home Improvement program ("HIP") to provide funds to assist properties occupied by low and moderate income households to correct existing interior and exterior health, safety and code substandard conditions of major housing systems.

Under HIP, qualified homeowners can receive up to $30,000 to make eligible improvements to their homes.  These improvements include repairs or replacements of roofs, plumbing, heating systems electric systems , structural defects, lead paint remediation and weatherization.  

HIP is paid for by developers' fees collected and deposited into Oakland's Affordable Housing Trust Fund. As of today, the balance in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund is approximately $755,000.

Homeowner qualifications include, but not limited to, meeting the appropriate income limit, being current on their property taxes, holding a current homeowner's insurance policy on said house, and having sufficient equity. HIP funding is a 10-year no-interest forgivable loan.  However, if the property is sold within 10 years, the loan must be repaid in full unless the sale results in the home remaining as an affordable housing unit.

Oakland's Home Improvement Plan "HIP" is scheduled to begin after Labor Day.  The Borough will be posting information on social media and advertising outlets.  HIP will process new applicants added to the waiting list/applicant pool on a first-come, first served basis, to qualified applicants.