Borough of Oakland Announces Upcoming Styrofoam Drive

Hosted by Sustainable Oakland Green Team
Styrofoam Drive - (1-8-2022)

OAKLAND, N.J. - December 27, 2021 - The Borough of Oakland is hosting a Styrofoam Drive on Saturday January 8, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Oakland Borough Hall, 1 Municipal Plaza, Oakland, N.J. 07436. The first hour is open to Oakland residents only, and the remainder is open to all Bergen County residents. 

This collection is for expanded polystyrene foam only, no packing peanuts or food containers. 

This collection is a contactless drop off. Residents are asked to remain in car while attendees remove collection from vehicle. 

This program is a recycling and waste reduction program of the Sustainable Bergen County HUB Styrofoam Free Committee. If you have any questions about the event, please contact the Sustainable Oakland Green Team at

This event is sponsored by Andrea Levy, Realtor.