Borough of Oakland Resumes Plastic Film Recycling Program

Plastic Film Recycling Program

Oakland, N.J. - August 6, 2021 — Starting today, the Borough of Oakland is resuming the Plastic Film Recycling Program, in which residents can begin donating towards a recycling goal that if met, will result in the collection and recycling of tens of thousands of items, as well as free park benches for our community.

The materials accepted for the collection drive include grocery bags, bread bags, bubble wrap, dry cleaning bags, newspaper sleeves, ice bags, plastic shipping envelopes, resealable food storage bags, cereal bags, case overwraps, salt bags, pallet wrap, stretch film, wood pellet bags and produce bags.

All plastic donated to the drive must be clean, dry and free of food residue. Residents are urged to avoid bringing plastic bottles to the collection bins. Residents are also urged to please keep the area litter free and do not leave plastic film on the ground near the bin. 

To participate, residents can bring their accepted items to the following location: 

  • Danny Hughes Playground Parking Lot, 28 Oak Street, Oakland, N.J. 07436 (Bin is marked accordingly)

Recycling these plastic film items helps keep harmful waste out of landfills. If residents have any questions regarding the program, please contact the Department of Public Works at (201) 337-8111, ext. 3002.

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