Mayor's Message -- June 2019

Linda H. Schwager, Mayor of Oakland
Mayor Linda Schwager

The borough has received a letter from the New Jersey Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) advising that we are able to dismantle the Vygeberg Office, or the Stream House, as we commonly know the structure.

They noted that the Vygeberg Office was constructed after the period of significance for the Van Allen House, and therefore dismantling the building will not encroach upon the New Jersey and National Register-listed Van Allen House.

SHPO acknowledged the damage to the building and our intention to construct a new building on the Van Allen House property for educational and exhibit purposes.

We were informed that SHPO received comments in opposition to the borough's application.

I encourage our residents to forward your concerns and suggestions.  We want to hear from you.

Until next time, Linda

Linda H. Schwager, Mayor of Oakland