Mayor's Message -- September 2020

Mayor Linda H. Schwager
Mayor Linda H. Schwager

My message this month is a very important reminder to all of you to submit your census form.  Why?

Census determines the amount of Federal Funding our State, County, and ultimately our town will receive for social services, education and community programs.   In addition, the census determines New Jersey's representation in the United States House of Representatives. 

You can still complete the Census form online at or on the telephone by calling (844)330-2020 (for Spanish call 844-468-2020).  Your personal information will not be disclosed.  If you do not submit your census form then a census taker may come to your home to help you fill out your census form.

In 2010, New Jersey was undercounted.  We do not want this to happen in 2020. The deadline was extended to September 30, 2020. Please submit your census form.  It is private and very easy to do.

Stay safe. 

Mayor Linda H. Schwager