Oakland’s Bountiful Nature Captured in Photos by Borough Resident

By Terri Casaleggio
Denise Stewart Liss
Denise Stewart Liss

    The seven acres of woods behind Denise Stewart Liss’ childhood home became her playground. 

    She spent her days in harmony with the critters that lived there.  Remaining close to home was essential with her mother off at work and her disabled father home needing care.

     Upon learning these same wooded acres might be developed by builders, her mother, Dorothy Stewart, assisted by her sister, Oakland resident Linda Stewart Arns, lobbied municipal, county and land preservation entities until they were successful in having the land declared preserved.  

    Known as “Stewart Woods,” the seven-acre park fronts on Ramapo Valley Road across from the Ambulance Building and backs up to the former Stewart residence.  It is there for Oaklanders to enjoy, a gift for posterity.

    It is no surprise, then, that growing up with her bedridden father’s Brownie camera in hand, Denise Stewart Liss became a walker, climber, nature lover, and photographer within Oakland’s borders, the Ramapo Mountains, the Ramapo River, and the Highlands beyond.green citter

     After all these years in Oakland, Denise has become expert in finding, photographing, and cataloging the large and small fauna and the glorious flora of our wooded areas. 

    Her photos appear on Instagram with details of her discoveries for the viewer.  She has photographed them in all their splendid colors, shapes, and habitats. Each photo is accompanied by a charmingly written description.

    Did you know that in Oakland there are bioluminescent red and black Railroad worms, Leopard Frogs, Eastern Newts, and mink that play on the shore of the Ramapo River?   Did you know there is an abandoned castle in the Ramapo Mountains?  Denise has photographed all these and more, exquisitely capturing them and bringing them to us to enjoy.


   Her photographs taken with her Samsung Smartphone or with her Panasonic Lumix of the flora of our region are images depicted so expertly you can see the morning dew or the most delicate petal’s texture.  Her photos of the natural beauty along the Ramapo River are breathtaking and inspiring.

    Her mission is to edify the viewer, to inspire an interest in Oakland’s beautiful environment, to create a desire to explore the outdoors in all seasons. Especially now, in the midst of this pandemic, our splendid environment is full of what Nature offers, the precious gift of its natural wonders where we can not only learn, but find moments of deep peace while avoiding the risk of illness due to Covid-19. It is Nature’s fix.