Projects and Programs

River Bank

Repetitive Loss Elevation Assistance

The borough of Oakland may be able to assist those residents whose homes have experienced frequent “repetitive loss” or “severe repetitive loss” flooding and who wish to elevate those structures. The cost of elevating the home may be repaid by the homeowner over a 10-year assessment period. Anyone interested in participating in this program is asked to contact the Flood Commission or call (201) 337-8111 ext. 2040.

Ramapo River Restoration Project 2015

  • Trout Unlimited was a part of the South Branch Raritan River Restoration Project in 2015. This video does a good job of showing the process and explaining it.
  • Here's a time lapse video of the same project.
  • This is an article by Brian Cowden on Trout Unlimited's involvement in the Musconetcong River Restoration Project. Musconetcong is a Federal Wild & Scenic Partnership River.

Bank Stablization Project

"The condition of the bank has been a source of mounting concern in recent years as increased runoff and debris battered the river bank, where it bends to the southwest, at the southern end of Crystal Lake. Concerns escalated after Hurricane Irene in August 2011, when large chunks of Lakewood Drive back yards were washed away." Read the full article here.