Lacrosse 3rd & 4th Grade Boys

Registration Open In Person ONLY in Franklin Lakes

Third & Fourth grade Lacrosse Boys Parents:

As everyone is aware Oakland tried to create a separate third & fourth grade boys competitive Lacrosse program this season.  A survey was recently sent out to gauge interest in this age group to play in Oakland.  Due to the relatively low numbers we received, third and fourth grade competitive Lacrosse will remain a combined sport with Franklin Lakes, along with the higher grades as well. 
For those parents who already signed up this past fall (2021) with Franklin Lakes, your registration should still be active. If you are unsure, please confirm either directly with Franklin Lakes or send me an email to confirm that they still have your child’s registration.  
For those parents who still need to sign up, please note that Franklin Lakes will only accept in person signups until February 4, 2022.   There are no online signups permitted.  Below is the form that can be used to sign up your child in person.

If anyone has any questions, please contact: Lacrosse Commissioner, Sandra Coira at